What is the agenda of coordinators?
To consult the choice of subjects for the exchange stay or to discuss any doubts or changes in your learning agreement, Erasmus+ exchange students are asked to contact the ECTS Coordinator of the corresponding faculty at the TUL. Please, select the member of staff relevant for your specialisation:

Ing. Marcela Válková
Coordinator at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
(building G, floor 3, student affairs office)
tel.: 00420 – 485353246
email: marcela.valkova@tul.cz

Ing. Hana Musilová
Coordinator at the Faculty of Textile Engineering
(building B, floor 2, student affairs office)
tel.: 00420 – 485353254
email: hana.musilova@tul.cz

Mgr. Júlia Jandejsková
Coordinator at the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education
(building G, floor 4, student affairs office)
tel.: 00420 – 485352876
email: julia.jandejskova@tul.cz

Mgr. Daniela Bímová, PhD.
Coordinator at the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education
(building G, floor 4, office Nr. 4072)
tel.: 00420 – 485352808
email: daniela.bimova@tul.cz

Ing. Simona Kuncová
Coordinator at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies
(building A, ground floor)
tel.: 00420 – 485353624
email: simona.kuncova@tul.cz

MgA. Blanka Kirchner, Ph.D.
Coordinator at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture
(building F3, floor 4)
tel.: 00420 – 4853535082
email: blanka.kirchner@tul.cz

Mgr. Renata Šimůnková, Ph.D.
Coordinator at the Faculty of Health Studies (building F)
tel.: 00420 – 485353738
email: renata.simunkova@tul.cz

Ing. Jana Vlach
Coordinator at the Faculty of Economics
(building H, floor 5, International Relations Office H06021)
tel.: 00420 – 48535240
email: jana.vlach@tul.cz

Petra Stolín Froese
Coordinator at the Faculty of Economics
(building H, floor 5, International Relations Office H06021)
tel.: 00420 – 48535218
email: petra.stolin.froese@tul.cz

Ing. Alena Kábová
Coordinator at the Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations
(building L)
tel.: 00420 – 485353906
email: alena.silhava@tul.cz