Clothing and Textile Engineering

Educational goals

Industrial enterprises dealing in classical textile and clothing technologies have significantly changed for a couple of past years. It mainly concerns the shift from mass production of average quality to specialized highly functional products with a high value addition. To name examples such as technical textiles used at building industry, health care, hygiene, automotive industry, or special clothing meant for people’s protection or for sport. This strategy requires experts educated both in materials and technologies. The Textile Faculty experts are world renowned in this respect, which is proved by their intensive co-operation with both local and foreign universities as well as with industrial companies. The study branch Clothing and Textile Engineering offers a possibility of studying textile materials or materials related with textile, classical textile technologies as well as clothing production. The study is closely connected with a scientific and research activity dealing with basic research and development of new materials, products and innovations of individual technologies.


Study programme
Textile Engineering (N3106)
Programme branch
Clothing and Textile Engineering (3106T017)
Faculty of
Type of study
Postgraduate Master
Form of study
Length of study
Awarded degree
Education area
Mechanical Engineering and Materials

More details

Contact: Militký Jiří, prof. Ing. CSc.,

Refer to STAG for complete information