Master Mechatronics

Programme Details

FACULTYFaculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies
ELIGIBILITYBachelor’s degree in a relevant field. The most relevant fields are Mechatronics, Electrical or Electronics Engineering, Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Robotics, Technical Physics, and Mechanical Engineering. Other similar fields of bachelor’s degree study may also be acceptable. In case of doubt, the study programme supervisor decides on the acceptability of a particular bachelor’s degree study field.
Fluent English skills level B2 (no official certificate required).
On-line entrance test and motivation online interview for those who pass the test.
Prospective students can take entrance test and can be invited to motivation interview even without presenting the certificate of formal recognition of their Bachelor degree in the Czech Republic. However this recognition (administrative procedure that takes about one month) must be completed before any official confirmation of acceptance for studies can be issued. Since this confirmation is necessary for visa application, all prospective students are strongly advised to apply for recognition as early as possible.
Formal recognition is not required for applicants from Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.
FEE / ACADEMIC YEARUSD 4000 for non-EU students. Tuition Fee is free for students from EU countries.
APPLICATION FEECZK 2000 / USD 100 (application),
CZK 3000 (diploma recognition) or CZK 800 (assessment)
SCHOLARSHIPErasmus+ scholarship for mobilities available.
APPLICATION DEADLINEThe 1st ROUND OF ADMISSIONS – the application deadline is March 31st, 2025.
The online admission test will be conducted on April 8th, 2025.
Online interviews will be organized between April 9th – 10th, 2025.

*The 2nd ROUND OF ADMISSIONS – the application deadline is June 18th, 2025.
The online admission test will be conducted on June 25th, 2025.
Online interviews will be organized between June 26th, 2025.

*The second round of admissions is open only to students
who either do not need visa (e.g., EU citizens) or already hold long-term study visa valid for the academic year 2025/26.

Master degree programme Mechatronics offers a carefully selected blend of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering. The range of available courses includes subjects like design and control of electrical drives, big data mining, artificial intelligence techniques, computer vision, smart technologies, advanced automatic control theory, renewable power sources and many others. Such multidisciplinary education is particularly important in this time of ongoing fourth industrial revolution. Thanks to this education the graduates have excellent career prospects in the smart factories of future as well as in research and public institutions. Optionally this study programme can be provided in cooperation with the University of Applied Studies Zittau/Görlitz in Germany. Students who choose this option will be awarded with two master’s degrees: from the Technical University of Liberec and from the University of Applied Studies Zittau/Görlitz.

Programme Details
This master degree study programme takes two years and it is divided into 4 semesters (120 credits). The first three semesters always have 14 weeks of scheduled teaching, the last fourth semester is shortened to 10 weeks. First and second semester courses are always taught at the Technical University of Liberec. After successful completion of the first two semesters, each student can choose whether he/she prefers to spend the second year of study at the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) or at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (HSZG). Students who decide to study this second year in Zittau will first receive the Master’s degree from the University of Applied Sciences. They must pass exams in all courses and to defend their diploma thesis successfully to get this degree. After getting the degree from HSZG, they can take the final state exam at TUL and if they are successful they will be awarded with the master’s degree from TUL. It is important to note that they take the exam only because they defended their diploma thesis at HSZG. Students who choose to study the second year at TUL will take final state exam and defend the diploma thesis at TUL and they will be awarded with the master’s degree from TUL only.