Applying for visa
Students who need to apply for a VISA will be provided with all the necessary documents for the visa process by the TUL Erasmus+ office. Acceptance letters in Czech and English will be sent to the International Office of the students’ home university together with the signed Learning Agreement and the Application Form, as well as the accommodation contract called „Smlouva o smlouvě budoucí“. These documents state the dates of the beginning and the end of the semester according to the TUL academic calendar.

Do you need a VISA to come on Erasmus to TUL? Check here:
1. I am an EU citizen (or citizen of Schengen Area)
You do not need a visa or a permit to study in the Czech Republic. You only need a valid passport or another equivalent ID.
2. I am an Non-EU citizen
You are required to have the long-term residence visa or the long-term residence permit before arriving in the Czech Republic.
3. I am a Non-EU citizen and I apply as a student from another university in the EU country
You may use the residence permit of this given EU country (country of the home university) for the entry to the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, the residence permit MUST bear a sign STUDENT/STUDIES (in the language of the home university). No other coding is acceptable!!! After arrival to the Czech Republic, you MUST apply for an extension of the stay in the Czech Republic as the residence permit entitles you only for a 90-days study stay.
4. I am a Non-EU citizen and a student of another EU university but my residence permit does not contain the word STUDENT/STUDIES
In that case, you fall into the category of non-EU citizens and you are required to apply for visa before entering Czechia.
It is always the student’s responsibility to have a valid document entitling them to the STUDY STAY in the Czech Republic. Learn about the visa procedure more in detail.