International Office


The International Office of the Technical University of Liberec was established in 2014. Among others, it is responsible for international marketing, international PR, cooperation with partner institutitons abroad and international students admissions. Members of the International and Erasmus+ Office are listed below.

Mision and vision

“We lead, coordinate and support all those who are interested in being international within TUL.”

“We will help the academic and non-academic community to accept the international dimension of the university as their own. We will set a common path for further internationalization. Key groups across the TUL will become its co-creators.”


Vice rector for Internal Relations

Doc. Ing. Kateřina Maršíková, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Foreign Affairs
IC building, 7th floor
phone: 00420-485 352 344


Michaela Andělová
Head of International Office
Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator at the TUL
KA107 Erasmus+ credit mobility – non-European mobility
PPSŘ administrator
F building, 2nd floor
phone: 00420-604 152 425

Care for self-funded students in English and students in Czech programmes

Mgr. Hana Králová
Support for International Students Studying in English Programmes
Recognition of International Education
Regime Student for Visa Purposes
IC building, ground floor, Welcome Centre
Consultation hours: by appointment, usually Monday and Friday: 9:00 – 10:30, 12:00 – 15:00
phone: 00420-485 356 779
other days: 00420-485 356 783

Ing. Tereza Martínková
Support for International Students Studying in English Programmes
International Promotion of TUL
IC building, ground floor, Welcome Centre
Consultation hours: by appointment, usually Monday and Friday: 9:00 – 10:30, 12:00 – 15:00
phone: 00420-485 356 778
other days: 00420-485 356 784

Ing. Lilija Schindlerová
International Support for Students Studying in Czech Programmes, EEA Funds, ACTION, CEEPUS, Scholarships based on International Agreements
IC building, ground floor, Welcome Centre
consultation hours: by appointment, usually on Tuesday: 13:00 – 15:00
phone : 00420-485 356 779
other days: 00420-485 353 122

Erasmus+ contacts

Hana Primas
Erasmus+ Outgoing Students,
IC building, ground floor, Welcome Centre
consultation hours: by appointment, usually on Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00 -11:30, 13:00 – 15:00
phone: 00420-485 356 779
other days: 00420-485 356 785

Bc. Daria Mlejnkova
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Erasmus + Incoming Students
consultation hours: by appointment, usually on Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00 -11:30, 13:00 – 15:00
IC building, ground floor, Welcome Centre
phone: 00420-485 356 778
other days: 00420-730 596 786

Ing. Jana Matějíčková
Erasmus+ Financial manager
PPSŘ Financial Manager
F building, 2nd floor
phone: 00420-485 356 782

Ing. Viera Huličková
Outgoing and incoming Erasmus+ Staff, 
Support for Internat. employees,
Interinstitutional Agreements, EURAXESS
IC building, ground floor, Welcome Centre
consultation hours: by appointment, usually on Tuesday: 9:00 – 15:00
phone: 00420-485 356 778
other days: 00420-485 356 781