The goals of the Student Grant Competition (SGC) are:
- support scientific research activity of students in doctoral or master study programmes in collaboration with the academic staff,
- increase the quality and efficiency of research and development work of students in doctoral and master study programmes,
- improve the abilities of doctoral study programme students to solve special aid projects individually and to manage them.
The SGC is organised for each faculty that offers a doctoral or master study programme. All faculties that organise the SGC are bound to follow the common principles while choosing the supported projects. The Department of Science and Research is responsible for the administration of SGC at the university level.
The hourly rate effective for 2023 for the DPP/DPČ for the type of work “management and organization of the student project” is 144,- CZK/hour.
For applicants
The applications are submitted using the online application (don’t use Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, requires to log-in to Google services using account @tul.cz):
In the case of questions, use the form for questions regarding the SGC project application.
For project leaders
Each project, its factual progress in the achievements and its financial management is continuously evaluated by the Faculty SGC committee. If changes are necessary, the project leader has to request the project change by the Faculty SGC committee.
The project ledaer has to submit an annual report describing the progress, the achievements reached and economy of the project.
Student projects results are presented in the Students’ scientific conference if the conference is announced by the dean of the faculty to which the project belongs.